Fotbalová helma Riddell Axiom TRU-FIT - Velikost Helmy: TRU-FIT: VYŽADOVÁN SCAN HLAVY
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Jak objednat Riddell Axiom:
- Helma Riddell Axiom je vyráběna na základě 3D scanu hlavy konkrétního hráče, pro kterého je určena. Z tohoto důvodu helmu nelze vracet nebo měnit. Výroba trvá přibližně 4-5 týdnů po obdržení platby a naskenování hráčovi hlavy pomocí aplikace Riddell Verifyt™. Vezměte prosím v úvahu, že uvedená doba dodání se může měnit v závislosti na aktuálních kapacitách výrobce v USA a dalších faktorech, které nejsme schopní ovlivnit.
- Hotová helma Riddell Axiom má v zadní části jméno hráče, pro kterého je určena, tak jak bylo uvedeno v objednávce. Objednávku po zaplacení a odeslání 3D scanu k výrobě není možné rušit ani upravovat. Jakmile obdržíte svoji novou helmu Axiom, vnitřní část vybavená paměťovou pěnou se bude nadále přizpůsobovat tvaru vaší hlavy. V praxi to znamená, že první dojem po nasazení helmy není konečný výsledek procesu dokonalého přizbůsobení vaší hlavě.
- Riddell Axiom je ve standardní konfiguraci vybavena mimo jiné systémem "InSite". Ten je schopný pomocí vestavěných sensorů monitorovat počet, sílu a úhel jednotlivých nárazů do vaší hlavy. Systém může být pomocí vestavěného bluetooth systému přenášen do databáze Riddell k další analýze. Také může sloužit pouze pro vaše účely.
Helmu Riddell Axiom nelze vrátit nebo vyměnit - Jedná se o zboží upravené na míru zákazníka
Riddell Axiom combines deep experience in athlete protection, helmet technologies, and fitting technology developed for Precision-Fit to deliver the most advanced helmet platform on the market.
RIDDELL TRU-FIT: A custom combination of interior liner pads work together to create a personalized fit and protection system.
- The fit and feel of Precision-Fit - without dedicating the helmet to an individual player. The liner system can be reconfigured to fit a different player as a program’s roster evolves. Personalized fit is achieved by analyzing a 3D image of an athlete’s head collected with Riddell’s Head Scanning app powered by Verifyt™. Each helmet is built with a custom combination of interior liner pads that work together to create a personalized fit and protection system. No Fitting Foams. No Air Adjustments.
- ACQUIRE HEAD SCAN - The 3D scanning technology developed for Precision-Fit helmets captures surfaces accurate up to 0.5 mm. The Riddell Head Scanning app powered by Verifyt™ is easy to download and use for iOS and Android devices from your app store.
- FIT ANALYSIS - Riddell's proprietary fit algorithm analyzes thousands of data points from the head scan to select shell size and energy management components to generate a unique, individualized build configuration.
- INDIVIDUALIZED BUILD - In Riddell's facility in North Ridgeville, Ohio, each helmet is built by combining the team's design specifications, individual player preferences, and unique build configuration. The helmet is labeled with the player's name to complete the personalization process.
INSITE SMART HELMET TECHNOLOGY: The Insite analytics smart technology is for teams and requires a subscription.Currently the Axiom helmets do not have the technology in Europe.
This innovative impact sensing and reporting system collects and transmits head impact data from the field in real-time and comes standard in all Axiom helmets.
- Axiom comes standard with InSite Smart Helmet Technology, an innovative impact sensing and reporting system that collects and transmits head impact data from the field in real-time. With a subscription to Riddell InSite Analytics, football programs will receive periodic reports that contain objective information and analysis designed to provide a deeper understanding of the Head Impact Exposure (HIE) their athletes experience during practices and games. This platform aims to provide actionable information to help coaches take steps to reduce HIE and improve performance.
- Flex panels added to sides and back of the shell interact and work together with the face mask attachment system to improve impact response.
- Removing the top bar of a traditional face mask allows for more flexibility within the frontal protection system. Learn more about face masks and visors.
- Providing additional eye protection, visors are available in open and closed styles to fit all face mask options with easy-to-use push button attachment and release.
- Without side or top bars blocking the view of the field, the athlete’s sightlines are improved, allowing them to focus on performing at their best.
- Unique shape and orientation strengthens the structure, featuring streamlined and seamless attachments that integrate Quick Release™ technology into the face mask.
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Ke stažení
Riddell-Axiom_Brochure.pdf (pdf, 2.5 MB)
Riddell TRU-FIT.pdf (pdf, 1.9 MB)
Riddell TRU-FIT-2.pdf (pdf, 1.8 MB)
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